Friday, September 26, 2008

Yes, I'm Here...

Since school has started, life has been CRAZY! They pack you with homework from the first day to the last. I would of blogged during the hurricane, but there was almost no way, so here I am now. I want to say (a very belated) Congratulations to Fionna for finishing up chemo and being Cancer-Free! Anyway, I had a hard time surviving the Storm and had a little issue that I couldn't play Mario Kart the first few days we didn't have the generator, but I would have to admit: I AM ADDICTED TO MARIO KART. Caitlin and I would explore and find ways to see the power lines, and we finally found one. Our old neighbors moved out, so we would go through their backyard, and we would climb the fence and "Wal-la!" you are right in front of the power lines. We would go check daily, and see if they had done anything, truthfully, the only thing that I thought changed was that the grass had gotten greener, but besides that nothing had changed over the past 2 weeks until they came. When we were climbing the fence, I fell off and hurt my toe. Some say its Broken, some say its sprained but you know, I will live.


Gary or Carol said...

THANK GOODNESS you will live. :) Some of us would miss you if you didn't!