Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Love Bugs!

At the beginning of April, the Love Bugs start to come out! They live in swarms (usually) and are all over our backyard. We catch them like falling dead flies! Its a lot of fun!
We also had to have a ceremony and let them all go. It was very sad :(
Here is Caitlin and Her Love Bug Catching Song.

And one of the Ceromny-

Tye-Dying Weekend!

This weekend we tye-dyed paper towles and then hung the tye-dyes up on our "clothes line" with clothespins. We used markers to tye-dye and had a BLAST!

Crazy Poses- Our Favorite Game!

Car Crash!
Battle Scene!
Road Trip! Road Trip!

Wewo! Wewo! We need an ambulance!
We Love Playing "POSE!"All of us make a big scene, and set up the camera to where it can see everyone! I recommend you try this with your kids!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Crazy Typed Stuff

Yo Peeps! Here is some WACKY peoples on the computer!

(")_(") The Bunny

:') A disformed dog (I think)

(:0) Unibrowl Dude

:-) Happy Kid

-:0) Indian Person

()__() Some kind of Kitty

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Yo Peeps of Earth Who Own Puters

Ok, traslation to the title-
Hi People of Earth who own Computers. I have lots to tell. So keep checking up with my Blog!!!!!

Oh and I am saying hi to everyone and Happy Earthday! Plant a tree please~!!!!!!

(told ya'll I am CRAZY!!!)